Name: Community centre for A2 magazine

Location: Prague, Czech Republic

Status: School project

Studio: Ondrej Cisler, Tomas Oth / FA CTU

Year: summer 2012


  • best school project of summer 2012 – Oloveny Dusan award

     Hradcanska, used to be a place to live in, now it is an intersection of all means of transport, full of rush and daily commute.

     Ideal venue for community based culture­-educational center under the auspices of magazine A2, which makes people of all ages slow down a little, gain something, have a pleasant time and breath in life back to the entire area.

     With the main straight line of the building I wanted to underline the dynamics of the vista and as well time, which seems to go faster than in anywhere else. Thanks to the wooden hall construction great open space is created. I look for a contact through independent arrangement of the containers, although I do not want to strictly directed it and predefinite scenes. Anything can occur there, the advantages of barA2k is its variability, simplicity and easy maintenance.


     A2 is critical independent biweekly newspaper format magazine, which reflects culture in the most broad conception as possible. From social life to politics. It tries to create an alternative to the mainstream media. A2 is not just a magazine, but a Civic Association, which does not just reflect the social life but also contributes to it throughout organization of various events. And for these event and for their whole community they want to create their baA2k.


October 2012, Oloveny Dusan award – report